Jump Start Driver Education School offers Weekday Classes, and Weekend classes on a group or one-on-one basis. A Weekend Class is suitable for students and parents with busy weekday schedules.

Classroom Location: Monadnock Unity Building, 45 Knight Rd, Jaffrey, NH 03452

Class time: Varies based on student schedules; schedule established on registration night.

Cancellations and postponements:  Instructor may cancel individual classes due to inclement weather. Cancelled classes will be rescheduled as soon as possible. Class duration may be extended due to cancellations. The instructor also reserves the right to postpone and reschedule the classes for any given session in the event of unforeseen circumstances. If this occurs, all registered participants will be offered the next available session.

Homework: All homework MUST be completed on time.

Payment: Due on registration night.

Group Classes

Fee: $750   
Individually-scheduled make-up of missed classroom/driving time:  $100/hour, per student

Weekday or weekend group sessions with classroom lecture and behind-the-wheel instruction.

Registration: Submit the pre-registration form on the Welcome page.

  • Weekday classes have a fixed schedule and average 5 to 6 weeks.
  • Weekend classes offer more flexibility for students with busy activity schedules.
  • One-on-one personalized driver education classes also available; see below.

Individual Classes

One-on-one classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction for one individual.  Student completes 30 hours of classroom time, 10 hours of driving time, and 6 hours of observation time.

Fee: $60 per hour

Registration: Submit the pre-registration form on the Welcome page.

Driving Lessons

One-on-one behind-the-wheel driving instruction, for students who need to complete the required driving hours, or to fulfill DMV-mandated additional drive time.


  • $100/hour for one ten-hour block of driving instruction (minimum purchase 1 block)
  • $130/hour for 1 to 5 hours of driving instruction (minimum 1 hour)
  • $115/hour for one five-hour block of driving instruction (minimum purchase 1 block)

Registration: Text 603-264-7464 directly to register and schedule. (Please do not submit the pre-registration form for this service.)

Senior Driver Evaluations

Senior driver completes a one- to two-hour evaluation with the instructor. Instructor provides a safety recommendation to the family and/or the DMV if necessary.

Registration: Text 603-264-7464 directly to register and schedule. (Please do not submit the registration form for this service.)